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Saturday, 30 July 2011

Makeup Ideas

there are lots of different ideas of makeup looks but sometimes you can think! here are some i love! (i don't no who some of these people are apart from the last few!)

1. Grey/Nude eye with a clean face with some bronzer, and red lips, makes your facial features stand out

2. Glowy face, nude lips and eyes perfect for summer!

3. This makeup for me i would wear if you were going to some sort of interview or getting a photo done at school because its just the perfect amount!

4, i love this! Gwen is stunning! her eyes are very nude and her lips are glossy, its the perfect no makeup, makeup look!

5. out of all of them this is my favourite! i just LOVE the pin up look! Gwen Stefani has the perfect face for it! its so easy to do and is pure classic, gorgeous on most people! i myself wear this alot!

and..SORRY IF THERE IS ANY TYPOS:( i am such a bad typer!

Friday, 29 July 2011

Classic Pin Up Look

I love the simple pin up look which look great on anyone! the red lips and the cat eye is stunning! Gwen Stefni is one to wear it:)..

The hair pushed back from the face makes it look even more fresh!

Late Nights!

okay so its 3:52 in the morning and i haven't slept yet! but i'm tired! i'm always busy watching makeup tutorials on youtube! and doing this! sorry for all the typos! the person who has inspired me to do makeup is someone called 'Kandee Johnson' she is the most kindest most caring woman in the world, she has such a kind spirit and doesn't get enough credit for what she does, she is so talented! here is the link to her channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/kandeejohnson?blend=1&ob=5  SUBSCRIBE TO HER!

 she is a professional makeup artist so you can learn lots from her, well i did anyway! ha ha ha

p.s i dont just watch her, i am addicted to charlieissocoollike all i can say is he is so funny! Honestly Wow! a true british comedian!

Phones and Cases!

once on my brothers channel on youtube i did this thing called 'hananhs cool things' and i done my phone/cover and i though i should show you the covers that i love!

My phone is the Blackberry Curve 8520 just the black one like this one down here  and the cover i have currently is just a crystal zebra but the hello kitty one is the one i want!

My phone is the Blackberry Curve 8520 just the black one like the one up there and the cover i have currently is just a crystal zebra but the hello kitty one is the one i want!

another case i think is so cool is this pink flower one!
not sure where you can get it!

MAC hello kitty

all of the MAC hello kitty collection stuff, i want all of it!

Hello Kitty!

These bags are amazing<3

 wow! also look at all of this hello kitty things! oh i wish for them!

Rainbow Eyes

this eye is so bright and colourful! the little bead/ball things  really make they eye look more interesting and not just your average normal rainbow eye! its gorgeous!
the same for this one! the stars at the edge make it stand out and show  'gold' at the end of a rainbow - stunning!


Welcome to 'hannahscoolthings' on here all i will be doing is showing you pictures and writing about things that i come across which i like or i find 'cool' i love beauty and makeup! so mostly things like that!